What You Can Expect From Us
1. We are independent professionals who only recommend those strategies and programs that we ourselves would use if we were in similar situations.
2. We only recommend products from high quality companies widely known for their ability to deliver on
their promises.
3. We will maintain your file completely confidential and will release your information to no one unless required by law or directed by you.
4. All of our recommendations will be based on a thorough understanding of your situation and complete "Know your Client" documentation.
5. You will receive regular communication from us and we will advise you of circumstances that could affect your situation as we become aware of them.
6. We will offer you a review of your situation no less than every twelve (12) months to allow you to make any modifications to your programs as required.
7. We will continue to study our specialty and directly related fields in excess of regulatory standards to enable us to provide you with effective advice and information.
8. We will respond to your questions and comments as soon as possible.
9. We will treat all referrals from you with the same respect and professionalism we do you and realize that an endorsed referral is the highest praise we can receive for our work.
10. We will always hold your needs above our own.
6D – 7398 Yonge Street, Suite 202
Thornhill, ON L4J 8J2
(416) 410-2332
(905) 707-5540
Arthur Standil: standil@invesmar.com
Shari Standil: sstandil@invesmar.com
Macey Standil: mstandil@invesmar.com